How do I be a better storyteller?

How to Be a Better Storyteller: 12 Storytelling Tips

What is one tip for being a better storyteller? To help you be a better storyteller, we asked experienced tour guides and writers this question for their best tips. From using a proven framework to making stories out of everyday life, there are several strategies that may help you grow your storytelling skills in the […]

14 Catchy Words That Start With “B” to Improve Subject Lines

14 Catchy Words That Start With “B” to Improve Subject Lines

What is one catchy word that starts with “B” that could be used in an email subject line? To help you find catchy words that start with “B” to use in email subject lines, we asked marketing experts and CEOs this question for their best suggestions. From using the terms boundless to bonanza, there are […]

What is Digital PR? 10 Definitions From Marketers

What is digital PR? To help you define what digital PR is and fit it into your marketing efforts, we asked small business owners and marketing experts this question for their best insights. From managing content to raising your presence online, there are several viewpoints that may help you work digital PR into your marketing […]

Qwoted Pricing vs. Featured Pricing

To help you understand the differences between Qwoted pricing vs Featured pricing, we asked small business owners and directors of Search Marketing with extensive experience on both websites for their personal insights. From Featured suiting small businesses better to core features being offered for less at Featured, there are several opinions that may help you […]

How do you connect with reporters?

How do you connect with reporters? To help you connect with reporters, we asked small business owners and CEOs this question for their best tips. From meeting the needs of the reporters to finding related stories in local outlets, there are several pieces of advice that may help you connect with reporters in the future. […]

How do you build a successful online community?

What is one tip for building an online community? To help you build an online community, we asked marketing experts and community managers this question for their best insights. From identifying what your users need to prioritizing one-to-one interactions, there are several recommendations that may help you create a successful online community in the future. […]

What is your leadership style?

How would you answer the interview question, “What is your leadership style?” To help you answer the interview question “what is your leadership style?”, we asked hiring managers and business leaders this question for their best tips. From stating that you are a democratic leader to leading by example, there are several great responses that […]

What is the best PR tool?

What is one PR tool you use the most, and what’s the benefit you enjoy? To help you discover the top public relations tools on the market, we asked PR experts and business owners this question for their best recommendations. From using tools like Prezly to staying active on socials, there are several PR tool […]

Is a HARO Subscription Worth It? 9 HARO Reviews & Experiences

Is HARO worth a subscription? To help you determine whether or not HARO is worth a subscription, we asked CEOs and marketing experts this question for their best insights. From being ready to fight the competition to building connections, there are several viewpoints that may help you determine whether or not to subscribe to HARO. […]