What Is Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Marketing?


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what is one thing marketers should know about using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) in marketing

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6 Things Marketers Should Know About Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (with 6 case study examples)

What is one thing marketers should know about using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) in marketing Here are 6 things these leaders expect marketers to know about using Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning in marketing:

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks
  • Use AI for Highly Personalized Website Experiences
  • Use AI Only for Tasks That Really Need it
  • Save Time and Do Much More With AI
  • Optimize Input Data for Better Results With AI Tools
  • Gain Competitive Edge Using AI and ML

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Use AI and ML to automate repetitive tasks so that you can focus on higher value work. For example, if you run a product PPC campaign, AI and ML can help you to automate bid management, ad copy optimization, and campaign structure optimization. You can use these tools to monitor performance and make adjustments in real time based on objective data rather than relying on intuition or expert judgment. This allows you to spend less time optimizing ad copy and more time on other, higher value work.

When we ran a PPC campaign using AI to monitor performance and adjust bids, we saw a 150% increase in conversions for the same spend within a single experiment. In contrast, our previous, more manual efforts collectively resulted in only a 75% increase in conversions over several weeks of experiments. While we don’t expect large boosts from using AI in our process, we do expect it to provide incremental performance improvements that would be very difficult to achieve otherwise.

Matthew Ramirez, Paraphrase Tool

Use AI for Highly Personalized Website Experiences

Marketers have the power to use AI to deliver the ultimate personalized website experience. AI can’t create an entire site for you yet, but its algorithms perform data point analysis about every individual user, so you can deliver them more relevant content and offers. AI can instantly turn demographics, location, device, and site interaction data to create a singular customer persona whenever someone opens your site URL. The opportunity to wow users is bigger than ever, compelling them to turn on Push notifications that can help you maintain communications and continually move users down your conversion funnel. 63% of marketers using this AI have seen increased conversion rates, and 61% saw an overall improvement in their customer’s experience.

John Li, Fig Loans

Use AI Only for Tasks That Really Need it

Oftentimes, businesses end up using AI and machine learning for marketing efforts that are not ripe enough for using artificial intelligence. Honestly, that’s a big mistake. In marketing, automating social media posts, finding keywords, and generating new content ideas are examples of good uses of AI. Well, if you look at customer care, you need to be a bit cautious. That’s because certain aspects of it demand human presence, so you can’t just rely on your chatbot for the same. You’ll end up denting the customer’s experience and that’s not something you’d want. Considering this, it’s always better to brainstorm what’s best for leveraging AI and ML in marketing. Accordingly, make an informed decision about it.

Morgan Taylor, Sourcery

Save Time and Do Much More With AI

As the country head, I lead the company’s marketing efforts. My team and I are always looking for new tools and strategies to help us work smarter, not harder. Recently, we’ve started using artificial intelligence (AI) to automate some of our repetitive tasks, such as social media posts and email marketing. We’re finding that AI not only saves us time, but it also helps us create more personalized and targeted content. For example, we have been able to save more than 20% of the time we spend per post by using AI to customize our social media messages for each audience. We’re also using AI to segment our email list and send more targeted content to each subscriber. As a result, we’re seeing improved open and click-through rates. We’re really excited about the potential of AI in marketing and we’re looking forward to exploring more ways to use it in the future.

Lorien Strydom, Financer.com

Optimize Input Data for Better Results With AI Tools

Marketing should realize that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are not just one-time deals. The data these programs take in and their decisions based on that information are always evolving. You can’t just sit back and let your AI do everything. You need to know how to interpret its results and decide when they’re useful enough and when you need to change the input. If you just throw some AI into your marketing mix and have it handle everything for you without any more input, you’re going to be disappointed.

In a recent campaign, we initially used AI to optimize our landing page conversion, which was 2.3%. We manually changed most of the areas on our page, then let the AI analyze again, and kept making manual changes until finally, we saw a 12% lift in conversion rate, which was a drastic increase compared to the first form of AI-optimized version. I believe we achieved those results because we constantly tweaked input data and made incremental improvements.

Arkadiusz Terpilowski, Primetric

Gain Competitive Edge Using AI and ML

Marketers should understand that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help you stand out in competitive marketplaces. For example, Tomorrow Sleep, a sleep system startup, was averaging around 4,000 monthly website visitors. But when they started using MarketMuse, an AI-powered content planner, they showed an immediate boost in key performance indicators (KPIs). Monthly visits skyrocketed to over 400,000 and they ranked for multiple competitive positions on Google. This 10,000% increase in web traffic shows that AI and ML are effective tools to help you stand out in crowded markets.

Scott Lieberman, Touchdown Money

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