The 9 Bravest Things People Have Seen Other People Do


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The 9 Bravest Things People Have Seen Other People Do

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Each day, people make courageous decisions and brave actions that often go unnoticed. However, for the lucky few who are able to witness these actions, their lives and perspectives change for the better. Read about nine brave actions people have seen other people do and consider how you can step out of your comfort zone to make a difference.

  • Seeking a New Career
  • Admitting a Mistake
  • Being a Voice for Others
  • Helping Refugees Overseas
  • Repairing Under Pressure
  • Stopping a Crime
  • Facing Illness Head-On
  • Bravery Through Pride
  • Finding Grace and Gratitude

Seeking a New Career 

One of the bravest things that I have seen someone do is to quit a job in a profession that was not making them happy and starting their career from scratch. She was someone working in the entertainment industry that turned out to be very toxic and stressful for her. After working in this field for 12 years, she decided to pursue architecture instead. She is now a full-time architecture student, and even though she had a family to support, her decision led her to a more satisfied and happy life. 

Angel Sanchez, Wanderlust Portraits

Admitting a Mistake 

A former boss of mine once owned up to a big mistake they’d made at our weekly meeting, took the blame, and discussed their plan to make amends with the company staff. At the time, I’d only had bosses who’d blamed others or hid their mistakes. It was enlightening to see someone actually address an issue rather than try to cover it up. I still think about that when

making decisions at my own business.

Reuben Yonatan, Get VoIP

Being a Voice for Others 

Speak up. Simply speaking up for others can be one of the bravest things people can do for someone else. It’s never good to make assumptions, but sometimes just making someone else feel seen or heard can make a significant difference. Especially in diverse organizations, it’s more important to pay attention and put yourself in other’s shoes. 

Rronniba Pemberton, Markitors

Helping Refugees Overseas 

When war broke in Ethiopia a few months ago, we had to mobilize our team of staff and volunteers to respond to the devastating crisis, which caused thousands of people to flee to Sudan. Refugees were arriving every day, and our team on the ground was there to offer all the services and support needed, including medical and emotional needs. The effects of seeing firsthand what this crisis could do to people’s lives also had an impact on my own life. The bravest people I know are our volunteers, who put themselves in those conditions to make sure people fleeing unrest, sexual violence, and disease had a place to sleep in safety. 

Chris Kindler, Alight

Repairing Under Pressure

One hot summer day a couple of years ago, we had just started our AC repair company. We had a family call us because their AC unit broke as bees were blocking the ventilation. They told us they called a beekeeper to come to check it out, but it was going to be a couple of days before he’d get to them. I don’t know about you, but I can’t survive in the heat, and not to mention, they had young kids. The bravest thing I’ve ever seen someone do was when my husband fixed the AC unit in the summer heat with a whole beehive swarming around him. And, no, he didn’t have a bee suit on either! The craziest part was he didn’t get stung. And in the end, we were able to give the colony of bees a new home in the old AC unit.

Natalie Sullivan, Cooler Air Today

Stopping a Crime 

I was once walking home from work one late evening when I noticed there were two men trying to break into a car near my house. Considering the neighborhood, I was surprised and was in the process of calling the police, but by the time I hung up the phone, I saw a man suddenly cross the road and start to loudly confront the two carjackers. It happened all so fast, but in seconds a scuffle broke out, and in a matter of minutes, the man actually managed to chase the two men away. I ran to the man just to make sure that he was alright, but the whole time I was completely taken aback by what he did, and to this day, I still think about that selfless moment.

Eden Cheng, WeInvoice

Facing Illness Head-On

Whilst studying for my undergraduate degree at university, one of my classmates was diagnosed with juvenile Huntington’s disease, a progressive brain disorder that causes uncontrolled movements, emotional problems, and loss of thinking ability. Juvenile Huntington’s disease usually results in death within 10 years after symptoms develop. Instead of losing hope, she researched all she could about the disease and began her own support group to help anyone suffering from Huntington’s disease and other neurological disorders. Since then, she has given numerous TED Talks about her disease and inspired many in similar situations to look at the bright side of life.

Sam Shepler, Testimonial Hero

Bravery Through Pride 

While it may seem like an odd place for an act of courage to stand out, this act stands out with me to this day, especially due to the repercussions inflicted on those who took it. In October 2017, I was in Egypt and tagged along with a few mates who were going to a concert by Lebanese band Mashrou’ Leila. It was the first time I went back home from the UK for a little while, and I thought a concert would be a good way to end my two-week holiday there before my return. What I didn’t know before going is that the lead singer of the band was an openly gay Middle eastern man, a combination that causes outrage in most circles in this part of the world, unfortunately. 

In this concert, a group of young men and women carried each other on their shoulders and unwaveringly waved the rainbow flag amidst a mixed reaction from attendees. I was taken back by this, for I personally hadn’t dared speak about such topics in public when I was in Egypt in fear of the backlash. But this group of men and women were ecstatic, proud, and defiant in the face of the injustices they thought. The act was inspiring for myself and many other Egyptians, and I believe it was the spark that ignited the start of the downfall of the fear barrier when it came to discussing LGBTQ+ issues in Egypt. Unfortunately, their stance also sparked a crackdown by the government and ended in them having to flee the country. Still, even in their exile, they kept voicing their opinions and continue to inspire more people to do so.

Ahmed Elnaggar, Set the Record Player

Finding Grace and Gratitude

I was once with my friend at the hospital when I came across someone who had bone cancer. At first glance, you’d never think that his days were numbered. He was very cheerful, laughed out loud, and was always smiling. And when I talked to him, I found out that he’d been fighting for his life since he was a kid. I asked him why he still had so much positivity despite everything

he’d been through, and the next words that came from his mouth left me in awe. “Just because everything around you seems unfair doesn’t mean there’s nothing to be grateful for anymore. Everything happens for a reason, my friend.” Most people believe that being brave means doing bold things, making tons of money, or charging into a fire without any protective gear. But true bravery isn’t just about doing physical things. Being brave is also about giving hope to someone, even if it’s you who doesn’t have that hope at all.

James Jennings, Home Garden HQ

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