How do I write a blog about myself?


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How To Write a Blog About Yourself: 11 Things To Include

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What is one thing to include when writing a blog post about yourself?

To help you write the best blog post about yourself, we asked experienced bloggers and copywriters this question for their best insights. From highlighting what makes your accomplishments unique to including your contact information, there are several things that are important to include in a blog post you are writing about yourself.

Here are 11 things to include in a blog post about yourself:

  • Highlight What Makes Your Accomplishments Unique
  • Include a Mission Statement
  • Present a Certain Point of View
  • Include the Advice You Got From Others
  • Balance The Positive and Negative
  • Include a Link To Your Website
  • Share Your Life
  • Include Your Pronouns
  • Be Honest and Vulnerable
  • Make It About Your Customer
  • Include Your Contact Information

Highlight What Makes Your Accomplishments Unique

Anyone can list accomplishments in a blog post. But, what will set your content apart is to really highlight what makes the goals that you’ve achieved unique. Did you have specific obstacles to overcome? Were out-of-the-box tactics employed to achieve a successful outcome? What makes a story unique is not always the ending, but everything that happens along the way.

Carrie McKeegan, Greenback Expat Tax Services

Include a Mission Statement

The first thing your Bio blog should do is clearly state who you are and what you’re about. This is especially important if this post acts as an introduction to yourself and your brand. Give a clear statement of action to your audience that lets them know about you and the focus of your content now and into the future. This will be your best chance to state your intended goal with your blog, make sure that it’s clear to see for anyone who’s looking, even at a glance.

Boye Fajinmi, TheFutureParty

Present a Certain Point of View

A unique point of view only you can have. For example, blogging about yourself, whether it’s about your travels or food or anything else, you don’t just want to talk about what you did or saw. Bring your distinct personality to the story that makes you having these experiences different from everyone else, whether it be an amusing voice you like to use or your obsession with one unrelated thing.

Do you have a funny walk or always wear the same hat or can’t help singing about everything? Whatever it is, put yourself out there and let your personality shine through.

Stephen Skeel, 7 Wonders

Include Advice You Got From Others

Writing a blog post about yourself should always include something about others as well. One of the best things to include and share is the advice you got from others, your mentors, coaches, or simply friends. It’s always a great idea to bring new perspectives into the mix, and it will only make your blog post better.

Harry Campbell, The Rideshare Guy

Balance The Positive and Negative

Writing a blog post about yourself can be tricky because there can be some conflict of interest. However, readers resonate with authenticity and truth more than anything else; which is why it is essential to include the positives as well as the negatives.

When you balance your triumphs and losses, your strengths and weaknesses, it demonstrates self-awareness and makes your word more reliable. It also humanizes you in a way that makes you more relatable and keeps the reader interested in what you have to say.

Chris Roth, Highline Wellness

Include a Link To Your Website

One of the most important things to include in a blog post about yourself is a link to your website. This will help users see the services or products you offer, and what you’ve accomplished and make up their own minds about who you are rather than just believe what you’re saying as a fact.

A link to your website is proof and evidence that you are who you say you are and that you do what you say you do. It is your digital footprint and important for your business to gain more traction and generate possible leads.

Zachary Weiner, Finance Hire

Share Your Life

Sharing details of your life builds a connection with readers. What are your hobbies? Likes and dislikes? How do you spend your time outside of work? “A Day in the Life” posts are fun and informative. These blog posts draw readers in and make you relatable. They’re more likely to buy your product and keep visiting your site for new information.

Amy Keller, Climate Candy

Include Your Pronouns

Adding your pronouns in a blog post about yourself is a quick and harmless way to let your readers know what you identify as. Making this addition eliminates the desire to assume your gender identity. In today’s society, it’s usually better to either ask or use a person’s name instead of assuming their correct pronouns.

By including your pronouns in your blog post, readers can properly address and reference you in comments, private messages, and elsewhere to your liking.

Dan Gray, Kotn Supply

Be Honest and Vulnerable

When writing a blog post about yourself, it’s important, to be honest, and vulnerable. Share your story, your struggles, and what you’ve learned. Be open and transparent, and your content is much more likely to resonate with people. Engage with your readers by responding to comments and reaching out to them personally.

Show them that you’re a real person behind the blog, and they’ll be more likely to keep coming back. Finally, don’t forget to have fun! Blogging should be enjoyable, and if you enjoy writing it, your readers are more likely to enjoy reading it!

Monika Kohutova, Pearl Scan

Make It About Your Customer

We have to answer their question, what is in it for me. Start with, “What does your reader stand to gain by reading my post?” Make a personal connection, write in a friendly tone as if you were talking one on one over coffee. Share a compelling story about you and why you are doing what you are doing to help others. Include your reader in this story. Tell it in a way that your description resonates with the problems they have and have been trying to solve.

Answer their question, “Why should I follow you?”. Have you received any awards? What are you known for? How many people have you helped? Where have you been featured? Include how this knowledge helps you to help them. Include links to other blog posts if possible to help with SEO. Use a call to action so that the reader knows what to do next. Lastly, include an image of you smiling. This helps build trust. When you upload the image, include a keyword in the file name.

Sharon McLaughlin, Mind Lull

Include Your Contact Information

Any time I write a blog post I include my email address. This has resulted in several opportunities presented to me that I would have missed otherwise. Anyone writing blog posts should make sure that they can be contacted for questions and opportunities. A blog is going to build your authority by presenting your expertise. Let people call on that expertise.

Tomas Satas, Windy City Homebuyer

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