7 Sites That Pay For Guest Posts

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    sites that pay for guest posts

    What is one website you know of that pays writers for guest posts?

    To help you identify websites that pay writers for guest posts, we asked writers, bloggers and business leaders this question for their best recommendations. From Funds for Writers to Freshbooks to BlogPaws, there are several websites that would pay you to post your articles and other pieces of writing.

    Here are seven websites these professionals get paid for their guest posts:

    • Funds for Writers
    • BlogHer
    • Copyhackers
    • Freshbooks
    • Listverse
    • LiisBeth
    • BlogPaws

    Funds for Writers

    The ideal word count for freelance contributions to Funds for Writers is 500–600 words. Original works are paid $50, while reproductions are paid $15. Since they are brief entries, they do emphasize writing without "fluff" and the need of making every word count. Both fiction and nonfiction topics should all be about making a career as a writer.

    Sanket Shah, InVideo


    BlogHer is a platform that compensates authors for guest articles; you will be paid $50 each piece. The finest thing is that they accept articles on issues related to women and lifestyle. They also share their knowledge and skills by providing a comprehensive spectrum of monetization options and educational services.

    Samantha Odo, Precondo


    If you’ve got a pitch that you believe could be the next big thing, check out Copyhackers. Submit ideas about starting a business, web development, digital marketing, and more on their website. Your post will need to be at least 2,000 words long with a compelling title and well-researched, with plenty of backup data. Copyhackers also accepts first-person narratives. The pay is $300-$1,000 (at the editor’s discretion) per chosen and completed post. Email your pitch to their content strategist and bring your great idea to life today!

    Lilian Chen, Bar None Games


    Freshbooks is a fantastic website that targets writers and small businesses to write an 800 word post for which they pay upwards of $100. Their blog offers a variety of topics ranging from accounting and taxes, small business essentials, as well as time tracking and project management. Although there are many other great websites, you might as well start here.

    Patrick Robinson, Paskho


    Listverse is devoted to publishing listicles which are a common type of online article. A list-based article known as a "listicle" typically includes some brief information on each item in the list. With listicles, you don't have to worry as much about the sequence of their points. Thus, they are simpler to prepare and produce than regular articles. Each listicle containing at least 10 items is worth $100. The best part is that you do not even need any experience to write guest posts here. You only need to be someone who speaks native English, has a particular interest in a variety of topics, and has an engaging manner of expressing it!

    Alexander Reid, TriviaWhizz

    Alexander Reid TriviaWhizz


    The one website that I would like to mention that pays writers for guest posts is LiisBeth. They entertain or welcome different kinds of writing subjects, like reviews, block posts, intellectual debates, articles, policy critics, and fictional and non-fictional stories. The best part is that they even offer room for a feminine perspective. for writing 500 to 2000 words. You will be given 250 to $2000, or it can increase or decrease as well, according to your work done.

    Steve Sacona, Top10lawyers

    Steve Sacona


    Pet lovers from all around the world who enjoy writing about their pet animals and interacting with others on social media make up a lovely blogging community called BlogPaws. The goal of BlogPaws, which offers pet business education, is to show pet professionals how to expand their internet presence by producing high-quality content that will appeal to more pet parents and result in happier animals. If you have a passion for animals, working on this website and connecting with pet parents could be a terrific opportunity. What's better is they pay you adequately for publishing your work. After they accept your pitch, they usually pay you $75 for the piece.

    Kurt Uhlir, kurtuhlir

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