I get that a lot: 9 Things People Tend To Get a Lot In Life


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What is one thing that makes you say, “I get that a lot” in your life?


To help put you at ease about things in your life that make you get a lot of attention, we asked CEOs and other professionals this question for their unique experiences. From compliments about eye color to unsolicited business advice, there are several things that may get you to respond “I get that a lot,” due to the special attention they draw to you.

Here are nine things people tend to get a lot in life:

  • Compliments About Eye Color
  • Positive Comments About Being a Perfectionist
  • Admiration About Having a Dream Job
  • Comments About Having a Penchant for Backing Things Up With Data
  • Comments Like “Your Rates Are Too High”
  • Amazement from Others About Strong Entrepreneurial Drive
  • Remarks About The Way You Speak
  • Awkward Reactions About Uncommon Last Names
  • Unsolicited Business Advice


Compliments About Eye Color

I get a lot of compliments on my eyes. People often say that they are my best feature, and it’s something that I’ve always been self-conscious about. I have a very light eye color, so they tend to stand out. I’m also attracted to people with dark eyes, so I feel like I’m at a bit of a disadvantage. However, I’ve learned to embrace my light eyes and use them to my advantage. For example, when I’m meeting someone new, I can use my eyes to help put them at ease. Or, if I’m in a situation where I need to be more assertive, I can use my gaze to project confidence. In any case, it’s one of the things that makes me unique and that I’ve come to appreciate about myself.

Antreas Koutis, Financer


Positive Comments About Being a Perfectionist

“You’re never satisfied,” is something I hear from people all the time. They don’t (usually) say it out of anger. They just know that I strive for perfection in everything I do. People who know me also know that I see room for improvement everywhere, particularly when it comes to industries that serve people who don’t just desire their products, but rely on them. I started USA Rx to help make medication more affordable for more people. We’ve achieved a lot, but I still push hard for more transparency and more savings options in the prescription medication marketplace. My engine keeps running in pursuit of lower costs and more accessibility for more people.

Chris Riley, USA Rx

Positive Comments About Being a Perfectionist


Admiration About Having a Dream Job

When people say, “Wow, you really got your dream job,” I say, “I get that a lot.” Because I really do; I’m one of those people who is fortunate enough to spend every day doing what he loves. I always dreamed of putting my business acumen into something that makes a difference for people, and now I work for a company that gives a portion of its profits to a charity that builds homes for wounded veterans. I can’t think of something more rewarding than that. I’m proud of my job, and I’m glad that people recognize that this work really is my dream job.

Marcus Hutsen, Patriot Coolers

Admiration About Having a Dream Job


Comments About Having a Penchant for Backing Things Up With Data

I suppose I was a baseball statistician in another life based on how much I pay attention to numbers and how I base performance on them. I get told a lot that I like to back up my arguments with analytics. When I pitch my brand to people, I often rely on statistics to drive my point home.

According to the Federal Reserve, 40% of Americans can’t pull together $400 in the event of an emergency. That is a scary piece of data and it’s also something that helps me sell people on the concept of random rewards banking.

Here is another statistic: Americans spend $80 billion every year on the lottery, which translates to $640 per household. Statistics show that people love the thrill of the lottery. Stats are what drives me to market a brand that combines smart savings with the thrill of the lottery.

Trevor Ford, Yotta


Comments Like “Your Rates Are Too High”

When I first started freelancing, setting my rates was one of my biggest challenges. I had to learn my value over time and increase my rates accordingly. While most of my clients are willing to pay my rates, I have heard from countless prospects that my prices are too high. Years ago, I might have negotiated a lower rate. But now, I’ve learned that what I’m really hearing is “Your rates are too high — for me.” I’ve learned that I don’t have to be the cheapest price. I don’t have to be affordable to everyone. I don’t have to lower my rates to suit someone’s budget. I know this because I have a full schedule of other clients who trust my expertise and believe in my value just as much as I do. And I’ve learned to be okay with that.

Alli Hill, Fleurish Freelance


Amazement from Others About Strong Entrepreneurial Drive

“You’ve created a successful business. Don’t you want to sell it and relax?” Not everyone is an entrepreneur for an early retirement. I became one because I believed in the cause and idea. While I could sell, I still love creating and running my company. I’m always coming up with new ideas and want to be hands on.

Amy Keller, Climate Candy


Remarks About The Way You Speak

I have been commonly told that I speak like an old man even ever since I was still a child. Up until now, as a young professional, I have always heard remarks like these pertaining to the way I speak, the way I articulate my thoughts, and the way I analyze things and events based on my seemingly vast wisdom of life. 

Perhaps it is because of the environment I have grown from. During my childhood, I rarely interacted with my fellow children. I always speak with adults and converse with them in a way that we are equals.

A huge portion of my wisdom comes from my mother. She always tells me ways to deal with people in a kind manner and always be the bigger person.

Even though I am the youngest son, she always reminds me that I am the one capable of understanding my older siblings so it doesn’t matter who’s older, since I am the one with a broader mind and an open heart, I should be the one indulging other people.

Franceen San Andres, CocoLoan

Remarks About The Way You Speak


Awkward Reactions About Uncommon Last Names

My response is most often ‘just like the breakfast food’. It’s one of the awkward moments I’m sure many people out there run into with last names that are difficult to pronounce or refer to a silly noun like ‘pancake’. Deflection with humor is the best solution I’ve found.  By disarming the question and letting everyone have a little fun we can move onto whatever it is we’re trying to accomplish. When trying to do anything that requires my name like checking into a hotel or introducing myself to a new client, it’s best to laugh it off and reassure the questioner with “I get that a lot”.

Scott Pancake, backyardassist


Unsolicited Business Advice

As one of the few business owners in my friendship groups, one thing I get a lot is unsolicited business advice. Despite me never asking, people can’t wait to tell me about the hot new social media trend I should jump on, or business I should partner with, or service I should offer. 

People definitely mean well, but there’s something about being a business owner that seems to make it irresistible for people to offer unsolicited advice.

They would never tell their mechanic friend how to fix a car, or their nurse friend how to care for their patients, but when they hear you run your own business, suddenly they’re bursting with valuable insights that they just have to tell you about!

John White, We Run



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